Vampire Conference Great Success

‘Vampires: Myths of the Past and the Future’ at London University’s Institute of Germanic and Romance Studies took us from the eastern European vampire epidemic of the 18th century right through to the monster’s modern incarnations in Twilight, True Blood, and all the rest. Co-ordinator Simon Bacon brought together a diverse group of scholars from all of the world – even Romania – to discuss vampires past and present, and their multiple meanings and representations. Highlights were undoubtedly the first test screening of Revenant Noir and Sir Christopher Frayling’s Coffin Trust (I kid ye not) lecture, but amongst the many other great talks, Michael Bell on ‘American Vampires’ and Jim Doan on blood rites are worth singling out. In all, 65 papers over three days. For all those who coulnd’t make it, there are rumours of a possible publication.